Spitting Junks of Jade

Spitting Junks of Jade

As lunch ensued the boat started its journey into the bay. As we dined, limestone islands passed by the windows. Each one awed me more than the last. I was surprised by the lack of birds. Frankly, ...
Motorcycling in Vietnam: A Layer Cake of Chaos

Motorcycling in Vietnam: A Layer Cake of Chaos

Whew, just returned from 3 days of motorcycling through the Mai Chau area of Vietnam, which was extraordinary. In some ways, the most incredible thing is that we exited the experience (mostly) unsc...
Northern Vietnam Itinerary Locked and Loaded

Northern Vietnam Itinerary Locked and Loaded

Whelp, we’ve finally got the next couple weeks lined up and booked. It’s been a fast and furious pace figuring out where to go, what to do, how much to spend, what to cut, etc. We have roughly 9 w...


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